Meditations for Body Mind and Soul
Daily Mind and Soul Meditations: Octogenarian Shares a Lifetime of Learning.
Weekly Body Meditations: Practical Exercises for seniors.
June 13, 2024: Self-Discipline Anger
No matter who we are or where we are in life, critical thinking, and clear analysis of options, are crucial to…
June 12, 2024: Generational Wealth
Good health should be our most prized possession! Some of us treat good health as though it's an…
June 11, 2024: Generational Wealth
Wealth building has finally become more prevalent in middle and upper middle income families. The time has also come for…
May 13, 2024: Loving Yourself
A prerequisite for being able to love someone else is a healthy dose of …
June 10, 2024: Mind and Soul Daily
The pursuit of happiness is something in which we are all engaged. Sadly, too many of us fall…
February 26, 2024: Who’s Running Me?
Is your life running you or are you running it? Sweating the small stuff will kill you! And remember, IT’S ALL SMALL STUFF! Too many of our young people are having…
June 9, 2024: Doing Good
For some of us, doing good is just part of who we are. We learned from parents or grandparents that it is better…
June 8, 2024: True Friendships
Those of us who are privileged to have true friends, know how blessed we are. But, in the course of living…
June 7, 2024: Success Road Unpaved
The road to success is unpaved. It is filled with potholes, blind curves and a host of other things that can…
June 6, 2024: Say I Love You
Not one day should ever go by, without us having said "I love you" to someone! Wouldn't…
February 21, 2024: What Will I Render?
What will I render unto the Lord for all his goodness to me in my life? I will …
June 5, 2024: To Heck With The Joneses
Sometimes the speed at which we are progressing can frustrate us. We feel we should be moving forward at a quicker pace. In the grand scheme of things…
June 4, 2024: Building Self-Esteem
There is a path that leads to a life well lived. That path is paved with the bricks of …
June 3, 2024: Expectations
Be mindful of your expectations, not only for yourself, but certainly for your children and grandchildren. Expectations are powerful things! My spirit sinks and my heart is saddened when…
June 2, 2024: What is Success?
So, you want to be successful. What would it take for you to reach your goals? A lucky break? More money? Friends in high places? Or…
June 1, 2024: Inches Grow to Leaps
With every new day, life gives us an opportunity to leap forward toward our goals! Then the reality of life…
May 31, 2024: Inches Grow to Leaps
With every new day, life gives us an opportunity to leap forward toward our goals! Then the reality of life…
May 30, 2024: No Sweet Spot
No use looking for that 'sweet spot' in life where you reach equilibrium with the world and nothing…
May 29, 2024: What We Think About
the things we become." I, and a whole lot of others, hope tHere's a scary thought: "The things that we think about arehat that's not …
May 15, 2024: About Unchangeables
Some of us still rail against things we cannot change. It's as if we somehow think if we…
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