Meditations for Body Mind and Soul
Daily Mind and Soul Meditations: Octogenarian Shares a Lifetime of Learning.
Weekly Body Meditations: Practical Exercises for seniors.
May 28, 2024: The Threat of Criticism
Are you cabined, cribbed, and confined by the threat of criticism from others? If so, there is a question you need to ask yourself. "Which is more important, my
May 27, 2024: Enjoy Your Life
It's OK to follow the crowd sometimes, but if you want to write a life with some interesting twists and turns, you've got to sometimes go
May 26, 2024: Kick Doubt Out
It's OK to follow the crowd sometimes, but if you want to write a life with some interesting twists and turns, you've got to
May 25, 2024: Aldous Huxley
The above quote by Aldous Huxley has always been one of my favorites. It occurred to me as I read it again yesterday that it normally applies to education, but it has a direct application to …
May 24, 2024: Don’t You Settle!
Don't you dare settle!
Don't settle for mediocrity, when you know you can …
May 23, 2024: Time to Reminisce
It's time to reminisce. Think of a time when you were truly tested by life; a time when you were in a tight
May 22, 2024: No Right to be Unproductive
Neither you nor I have the right to be unproductive! Each of us has something we …
May 20, 2024: Making Changes
We all have things that we want to be better at, or to stop doing, or perhaps …
May 12, 2024: Power of Listening
How many of us truly know how to listen? My guess would be paused dictation…
May 11, 2024: Handling Adversity
If we want to gauge how likely we are to be successful in life, we have but to look at how well we handle…
April 23, 2024: Being Optimistic
Optimism doesn’t grow on trees, but if you continually plant…
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