November 11, 2024: Raising Children

Don't raise your kids to have more than you had, raise them to be more than you were.
⁃ Unknown

In the midst of the joys and challenges of being a parent, it is important that we not lose sight of something that should be one of the most important aims of parenthood; raising, healthy, mentally strong individuals who are able to function well in life after we are no longer here. Too often, I have seen parents who are far too indulgent of their children's whims and immature desires for whatever shiny objects they come across. It is almost as if some parents are afraid that their children might not like them if they don't give them everything they desire. While being liked by your children is certainly a desirable thing, it is not essential to accomplishing your task as a parent. Being respected by your child is infinitely more important than being admired by them. Parenting is not a popularity contest. Some parents even try to do the opposite of what their own parents did in raising them. Some mistakenly think that they would have appreciated a lot more leniency, a lot more indulgence and self determination. Some of these parents have learned the hard way that the discipline imposed upon them is the very reason they turned out so well. That structure and discipline they experienced, but did not appreciate, became the very reason for their success in life. Just because you did not like everything about the way your parents raised you, if you turned out OK and are reasonably successful in life, don't be too quick to cast aside your parents methods. It is those methods that made you the well rounded, competent person you are.

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Detroit Flanagan

Octogenarian Shares a Lifetime of Learning.


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