June 22, 2024: Past is Gone
"Don't let yesterday take up too much of today."
– Will Rogers
We have all had regrets. We have all wished we had done something differently, or said something differently, or not said something, or not done something. Well, those are things that we may still regret, but the reality is that they are also things that we can now do nothing about; they are in the past and as such, unchangeable. If we have not already done so, we must develop and use the ability to accept our unchangeable past and keep our eyes focused on the present and the future. God may have put our two eyes in the front of our heads so that we might get the message that we are to look forward and not backward. Time spent bemoaning the past, is wasted time; time better spent building a brighter future. Letting go of the past may not be easy, but it is absolutely necessary in order to live the abundant, joyful and meaningful lives that God in his infinite wisdom, intended for us to live. The story of the past is written, and the book is closed. The book we are writing now will one day be the past. Our duty is to make sure the present doesn't become a future regret. So get Crackin and build something special with your life!
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