November 22, 2024: Learn the Lessons!
"It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop."
- Confucius
Life seems to be an endless cycle of ups and downs, of starts and stops, of struggles and ease. Throughout our lives, we are always at one or another of those points. If we can somehow get a good perspective on how life really works, we might then be able to absorb its hard knocks with more optimism, knowing that whatever cycle we are in, it will not last. This knowledge should also be a sobering reminder that the good times are not going to last always either. As some modicum of wisdom slowly seeps into each of our psyches , we should, as we mature, begin to grasp life's gives and takes, it's inevitable, sowing and reaping and it's incessant striving for equilibrium. As I frequently remind myself, "Life is the teacher, we are the students, and class is always in session." Life's lessons are sometimes delivered with harshness to get our attention so that we will not venture in that direction again. The more subtle lessons may slip by us unnoticed: the kindness of a stranger that gives us a good feeling about humanity. May that kindness shown to us, teach us the value of the kindness that we can choose to show to others. The lessons are always being presented. May we always be open to learning what is taught and using it for the betterment of ourselves and mankind.
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