November 20, 2024: No Regrets!
"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage"
— Anaïs Nin
At sometime in our lives, if we haven't already, we will face situations that call for us to do things or attempt to do things that we are not sure we can do. These are those test points, where we have the opportunity to challenge the unknown, or shrink from the challenge and potentially diminish whatever confidence we had. Courage, or intestinal fortitude, can make all the difference in how we see ourselves in relationship to our potential in life. If that ubiquitous internal voice that we all have, is pushing you towards something i.e. a new career, daring to answer the teacher's question in class or maybe saying hello to that person you are admiring in the workplace or the neighborhood, every step you take toward being more courageous is a potential steppingstone toward being the person you were put on this planet to be. Want of courage at those crucial test points in your life, can ultimately lead to a lot of regrets in later years for the things that we did not take a chance at doing. A motto that I have tried to follow throughout the years is to have as few regrets as possible in my senior years. My motto is "No Regrets." I hope you will agree that it is better to have tried and failed, than to carry the regret of never having tried into your old age. Repeat after me…
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