July 3, 2024: Love is Not Dead

"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."
⁃ Robert A. Heinlein

While it may appear to some that the concept of true love is fading, I would posit that the concept is still very much alive and well. People are still getting married and marriages are still lasting 'till death do us part.' Those kinds of concepts are not considered newsworthy, so they don't make the front page of anybody's publication. Don't be fooled by Hollywood's fast and loose antics concerning marriage and true love. What you see in the world of celebrity are the aberrations, not standard behavior. The world of celebrity is just as bizarre and atypical as it has always been. It's just that now we have so many more input sources for this foolishness. With the need to remain relevant becoming more and more competitive, bizarre behavior naturally has to increase so that one can still stand out in the apparent chaos needed to keep us drinking the show business Kool-Aid that keeps our butts in front of the TV, in the movie theaters or our eyes glued to the screens of our electronic devices. Real people are still falling in love every day. Real people are still getting married every day. If you think everything is terrible, everything is terrible. If you think the BS we are faced with every day in the media is just that, BS, then you will be able to continue your life with normal expectations and normal outcomes. Always remember that things which are bizarre catch our eye, because they are not the norm. Ordinary people live in the real world, and most of the world is still real.

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Detroit Flanagan

Octogenarian Shares a Lifetime of Learning.


July 4, 2024: Never Give Up


July 2, 2024: Enjoy Life